Characteristic Studies For The Cornet (Clarke)

Characteristic Studies For The Cornet (Clarke)

Sale price$ 17.99

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138 Industry Drive  |  Pittsburgh, PA 15275

Store Hours:

Tuesday - Thursday 8:30AM - 5:00PM 
Friday 10:30AM - 5:00PM
Saturday 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Sunday and Monday - Closed

Phone: 412.788.5900 

Fax: 412.788.6055

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A work that has stood the test of time by one of the brass world's most important pedagogues, Character Studies for the Cornet should be part of any trumpet student's library. Within its pages, the student will gain valuable insight on tonguing and the 24 characteristic studies will help the student to gain absolute control of technique, articulation, slurring and endurance. This work will prove helpful and beneficial to the developing student.