Malletech Bob Becker Series Xylophone Mallets - Rattan
Malletech Bob Becker Series Xylophone Mallets - Rattan

Malletech Bob Becker Series Xylophone Mallets - Rattan

Sale price$ 35.95



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Designed for solo xylophone use, both of Bob’s original blue and burgundy plastic models remain best sellers. They are light, similarly weighted and easy to maneuver quickly around the instrument. The rattan handle diameters are 7.5 to 8 mm on the BB32 and 7.1 to 7.5 mm on the BB34. These mallets will not damage rosewood bars in any way. Bob’s two new rubber models are extra heavy rubber, producing powerful, pure xylophone tone without the contact noise usually associated with rubber mallets. These two models give the serious xylophonist an unprecedented range of tonal shadings.