Rubank Method for Flute or Piccolo
Rubank Method for Flute or Piccolo
Rubank Method for Flute or Piccolo
Rubank Method for Flute or Piccolo

Rubank Method for Flute or Piccolo

Sale price$ 8.09



About Us

138 Industry Drive  |  Pittsburgh, PA 15275

Store Hours:

Tuesday - Thursday 8:30AM - 5:00PM 
Friday 10:30AM - 5:00PM
Saturday 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Sunday and Monday - Closed

Phone: 412.788.5900 

Fax: 412.788.6055

Department Directory

One of the most widely used series of methods for individual or like-instrument class instruction. Using a very well-rounded approach including scales, arpeggios, technical studies, studies for musicianship, articulation studies, solos, duets, and studies devoted to the special needs of each instrument, this series provides a fantastic wealth of material for all student musicians.